What people are saying about working with Devi Peri…
Your online Breathing into Wholenesses class has been nothing short of life changing…
Your online Breathing into Wholenesses class has been nothing short of life changing, Devi. As an adoptee, I have many lifelong issues that have haunted me. Thanks to your sessions I have been able to make connections and work through some of the negative thoughts, feelings and energy of my relationship with my now deceased birth mother. I can’t thank you enough for providing this opportunity for healing in my life.
~Barbara Griffen Noel, Walla Walla, Washington
I now have a greater understanding of the energy of my thoughts, feelings and experiences.
“I’ve enjoyed working with Devi over the last 6 months. I had never tried anything like breathwork before and was hoping it would assist me in releasing old wounds and breaking through patterns/behaviors that did not serve me.
The work we did helped bring awareness to wounds and challenges that had manifested in my physical body in various ways. I think what I learned was how sensitive and interconnected the body and mind really are. I now have a greater understanding of the energy of my thoughts, feelings and experiences.
I found many of the integrative practice tips helpful, and the check-ins and the follow-up emails between sessions were really important reminders and very supportive.
Although it was sometimes difficult for me to fully relax and get into the breathwork after a day of working and with my chronic fatigue, I really appreciated Devi’s support and positive attitude. It was very encouraging and helped when I was being challenged both emotionally and physically.
I have an awareness now that I lacked before. I now take pauses and try to approach challenges with curiosity to uncover what they are trying to reveal to me. This is very different than anything I had done before; I am hoping all of this will continue to assist me in deepening awareness of myself. ” ~T.N., Aptos
My work with Devi was profound.
My work with Devi was profound.
The greatest impact I’ve noticed is a deep shift from an internal critical and pressurizing self-shaming to a gentle, open self-kindness.
I am feeling more ease in all I do, as well as deeper, longer experiences of joy-like ease, instead of fleeting bursts of joy and excitement then a drop to frustration and pressure to “get it together.” It’s as if my internal self-nurturer has come alive for the first time.
From this place of self-gentleness and tender kindness I feel I will blossom into my other areas of desired growth with more ease. I feel more grounded in my physical body and able to self direct into calmness. My system overall feels so much more ease and peace.
Devi was very tuned in to the subtle details of what was happening in my whole body/mind system during breath-work and has an amazing ability to say exactly the words that bring healing in the moment. She is a very intuitive and present guide attending to the many aspects of self that exist simultaneously. My inner child feels loved and held and I am trusting my adult self much more than before.
I have so much deep gratitude for the healing I experienced in working with Devi and trust that this “coming home to myself” will continue to unfold.
~Noel Diop, Santa Cruz
I recommend this class to anyone interested in exploring deeper levels of consciousness.
The Breathing into Wholeness class with Devi Peri has been life-changing. The class has brought me amazing experiences, visions and insights. Devi creates a circle of community, even in an online environment. I recommend this class to anyone interested in exploring deeper levels of consciousness.
~Julie Ward, Lompico
Devi Peri is a most skillful facilitator who leads you gently through the emotional landscape of the inner world.
Breathing into Wholeness is a profound and powerful meditation practice. Devi Peri is a most skillful facilitator who leads you gently through the emotional landscape of the inner world.
I have participated in Devi’s classes for several years and have benefited greatly. Breathing into Wholeness gives me the chance to experience my deep emotions which surface and release when given the opportunity provided by this practice.
~Catherine Anderson, Santa Cruz