

What people are saying about working with Devi Peri…

I have found Devi to be the most compassionate and caring guide and mentor.

I enrolled in Devi’s Earth and Body Nature Program because I wanted to feel more connected in my relationship with nature and I wanted to connect more with my body, feelings, and emotions. Now I love being out in nature more than I ever have before. I now look forward to walking daily on the nature paths near me.  My inner nature feels a connection to the natural world.  I feel it is part of me now.  That daily connection to nature helps me feel more at peace and more centered. And now I can check in with my body more easily.  I am able to connect with my spirit and I feel much more in touch with myself and the world around me.

In the past I was a person that felt good only when I was doing something constructive.  I had to accomplish something to feel valued.  Now I am much more attuned to nature and taking time to just “be” without any guilt.  There is more of a general calm in everything I do.

I’ve loved the repertoire of different practices Devi has shown me and they keep me constantly interested. She does an amazing job of demonstrating everything and sharing personal experiences. I have found Devi to be the most compassionate and caring guide and mentor. I have advanced my growth with her more than any psychologist I have worked with. It is because of this that I am looking forward to working with her in the future.

Ron Indra, Santa Cruz CA

Devi’s work taps into my intuition and creativity…

Devi’s work taps into my intuition and creativity in a way that ordinary talk-therapy doesn’t. I feel fully free to dig into images, sensations, movement, sounding as the urge arises. She is both totally there and also out of the way, so I can access my responses, reactions and urges. She is very intuitive and knows when and where to touch, insert a suggestion or question and when not to intervene in my process.

Laurie Oman, San Rafael CA

Your words and guidance led me out of my resistance.

Everything was exactly as I needed: my resistance, my allowing myself to be present and finally surrender.  You led us with grace and strength.  I am deeply grateful for you providing this service. It was such a sweet blessing on how you held a container for me, reminding me with your touch to breathe and let go.  Your words and guidance led me out of my resistance.

I see how each part of the workshop, the dance, movement and discussion set me up to flow magically through my breathwork journey. Each exercise flowed into the next to help me release something deep inside of me. Thank you.

Cherie Hung, Pacifica CA

Devi was a great listener and really took her time to understand me…

I came to the Earth and Body Nature Program hoping to get in touch at a deeper level with my heart and to come into a more conscious relationship with the world around me. Devi was a great listener and really took her time to understand me and allowed me to express myself and helped me set clear intentions.

I found the breathwork part to be a very powerful way of showing me what I was keeping hidden deep inside myself. As I gained new insights to myself, I grew a deeper and more intimate relationship with myself. During our nature work I learned new and interesting techniques of how to get closer to the inner beings of the plant and elemental world around us.

Most importantly from our work together, I take with me the inner guides I have met during our breathwork. I am overjoyed to have a conscious relationship with them in my life now, and will continue to work with them.

Josias Harder, Soquel CA

I feel completely safe and fully supported by Devi…

I’ve done a series of private breathwork sessions with Devi and have found it to be very helpful in my day to day life. I feel completely safe and fully supported by her to dive deep into my inner material; she helps me retrieve the important pieces by asking the right questions and making suggestions that help bring me useful insights. I intend to continue my work with her and have recommended her to many friends!

Laurie Oman, San Rafael CA