Creature Contact is a sensual form of moving meditation that is focused on finding pleasurable sensations in our body. (Or “finding pleasure through our sensational bodies”) The intention is to drop out of our think-thinky human minds, and down into our creature selves. With solo embodied movement we make physical contact with the ground, the wall or other possible objects in the room… or with a tree in the great outdoors! Like other creatures, we find ways to massage ourselves (think of a kitty rubbing on the furniture, or your leg). When we move in contact with another human creature, we create a mutual massage.
Creature Contact is often offered as part of a Gaia Dance retreat, or may be offered as a class on its own, or even may be part of an individual or small group Earth and Body Wellness session. It’s a wonderful practice for learning to be more embodied and connected with Self, as well as an opportunity to practice sensuality and playfulness ( be more sensual and playful). Perhaps most importantly, it feels good and helps us learn to love and appreciate these miraculous bodies we’ve been given!